BEYOND CONVENTION: VMware Exodus: Unleash Your Cloud Potential with VergeIO
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BEYOND CONVENTION: VMware Exodus: Unleash Your Cloud Potential with VergeIO

Join us for BEYOND CONVENTION: VMware Exodus with, where we'll help you unlock your cloud potential like never before!

By Transformists Network

Date and time

Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00 - 01:00 PDT




3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Transformists Network - Value Added Distribution - Introduction

Nicholas Yong/ CEO

Transformists Network is a Value Added Distributor. Transformists Network has a differentiated go-to-market. It aims to bring cutting edge technologies that will bring transformative change in the AP...

3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

VergeIO - Ulta-Converged Infrastructure - The next evolution of HCI technology

Tan Lee Ann/ Alliance, CTO

Verge.IO is a highly capable and easy to use Ultra-Converged Technology. This segment the speaker will share the key benefits of using Verge.IO technology and a few case study that will help you to a...

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Question and Answer - Call to Action

Nicholas Yong/ CEO

This is the final segment of the event. Please ask your questions and we will try our best to answer them. Will close with a Call to action to arrange a meeting to discuss your HCI/CLoud/VMWare Alter...

About this event

  • 1 hour

Feeling trapped by the rising costs and limitations of VMware?

Join us for a FREE webinar on "VMware Exodus: Unleash Your Cloud Potential with Verge.IO" and discover how to achieve the agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency you crave in the modern cloud landscape.

During this webinar, you'll learn how Verge.IO can help you:

  • Break free from the VMware bottleneck: Explore the advantages of migrating to Verge.IO and unlock the true potential of your cloud environment.
  • Embrace unmatched flexibility and scalability: Verge.IO effortlessly adapts to your evolving needs, so you're never locked into rigid resource limitations.
  • Slash your cloud costs: Unlike per-resource licensing models, Verge.IO's node-based licensing offers significant cost savings, putting more money back in your pocket.

Here's what sets Verge.IO apart:

  • Effortless scalability: Seamlessly scale your cloud resources up or down as your needs fluctuate, ensuring you only pay for what you use.
  • Unmatched flexibility: Verge.IO integrates flawlessly with your existing infrastructure, empowering you to build a truly customized cloud solution.
  • Cost-effective advantage: The node-based licensing model eliminates the nickel-and-diming of per-resource pricing, keeping your cloud expenses under control.

Don't miss this opportunity to:

  • Gain expert insights into navigating the VMware exodus.
  • Discover how Verge.IO can revolutionize your cloud strategy.
  • Ask your questions LIVE during the Q&A session.

Save your spot for the FREE webinar today!

Date: June 20, 2024 Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Singapore Time

Seats are limited - secure yours now!

Frequently asked questions

What is this webinar about?

This webinar explores the advantages of Verge.IO, a powerful cloud solution, and how it can empower businesses navigating the VMware exodus.

Who is hosting this webinar?

Transformists Network, the exclusive distributor of Verge.IO in the Asia Pacific Region, is hosting this informative session.

Is there a cost to attend?

No, this webinar is completely free to attend!

What is Verge.IO?

Verge.IO is a next-generation HCI Solution or Ultra-Converged Solution designed for flexibility, scalability, high performance and cost-effectiveness.

What are the benefits of using Verge.IO?

The webinar will delve into key benefits like effortless scaling, unmatched flexibility, and significant cost savings compared to traditional per-resource licensing models.

Is Verge.IO right for my business?

This webinar is ideal for businesses seeking to escape the limitations of VMware and embrace a more agile and cost-effective cloud strategy.

Who is Transformists Network?

Transformists Network is the exclusive distributor of Verge.IO in the Asia Pacific Region. We provide sales, marketing, and technical support for Verge.IO solutions.

How do I register for the webinar?

Please register on Eventbrite. The webinar links will be sent out 3 days before the Webinar. The registration will also stop 3 days before the event. For those that wish to participate and are late, please contact the event organiser or write to

Organised by

Beyond Convention is a series of Webinars that we want to showcase the solution providers we represent on how they can address the requirements faced by the modern IT organisation.