DiversITy-talent with Erudites Networking Group Breakfast Connector

Come join us for a fine NYC breakfast and find out more about our new social enterprise, launching in New York, and across the US.

By Jeremy Blain

Date and time

Tue, 18 Jun 2024 08:00 - 10:00 EDT



25 West 51st Street #7th floor New York, NY 10019


8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Our Breakfast Networker

Liz Capants

Anna Somaiya

Jeremy Blain

Launching our new social enterprise in the US - To benefit young people, communities, other untapped, underrepresented talent pools and US enterprise.

About this event

  • 2 hours

DiversITy-talent US & Erudites Networking Group - Breakfast Networker

A new Social Enterprise launching in the US and looking for partners, funding and volunteers

Hello everyone.

Are you passionate about bringing in new and diverse talent into modern business and tech? Are you frustrated at the lack of work-ready, engaged talent coming through your business doors?

65% of CEOs tell us they can't get the talent through the doors, and yet there are untapped, underreperesented talent pools who have either been marginlized or not given the opportunities many others have. This includes our young people, those who may have fallen out of the education system, youth groups, community groups, those with special abilities to benefit modern business, our ageing workforce who want to reskill for a longer career in an increasingly digital world and more.

Join us for a morning of explanation, discussion, networking and connecting hosted by the two Co-Founders of DiversITy-talent in the UK, Anna Somaiya and Jeremy Blain; joined by our US lead, the incomparable Liz Capants. Founder of the Erudites Networking Group - An Expansion of EBC Associates

  • Find out more how DiversITy-talent is working in the UK - www.diversity-talent.co.uk and connect with Anna, Jeremy and Liz in advance:
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/annasomaiya
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyblain
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizcapants | https://eruditesgroup.com/

    Come and mingle with like-minded individuals at our Breakfast Networker event. This in-person gathering is the perfect opportunity to meet the team, find out more about this exciting new social enterprise launching soon in the US, share ideas, build relationships and get involved as a funding partner or volunteer, in a casual and friendly setting.

We are looking forward to welcoming you for a delicious breakfast and to tell you all about it. We need help to get this off the ground and hope to encourage you to get behind our cause financially and through hands-on involvement.

Don't miss out on this chance to be part of a diverse and inclusive community to change the landscape of our talent potential across the US!

Frequently asked questions

How can I find out more and connect with the hosts in advance?

Find out more how DiversITy-talent is working in the UK - www.diversity-talent.co.uk Connect with Anna, Jeremy and Liz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annasomaiya https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyblain https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizcapants | https://eruditesgroup.com/

Organised by

Jeremy Blain