Future Cities Lab (FCL) Global - Virtual Launch

Future Cities Lab (FCL) Global - Virtual Launch

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of FCL Global - a research collaboration between ETH Zurich, NUS, NTU and SUTD

By FCL Global

Date and time

Tue, 2 Mar 2021 01:30 - 02:30 PST



About this event

Future Cities Lab Global is a research programme that brings together scientists from Singapore and Switzerland to develop solutions to help cities and their surrounding regions achieve sustainable growth. Through this collaborative programme, some 120 engineers, architects, environmental scientists, economists and social scientists from ETH Zurich, NUS, NTU and SUTD will jointly tackle these global challenges. FCL Global is a programme under the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), made possible by the support of the National Research Foundation, under its CREATE programme.

At this virtual launch event, we will provide a glimpse of the challenges that the programme seeks to tackle and innovative approaches by FCL Global. Leaders from the National Research Foundation and partner institutions will also provide insights into how new forms of collaboration can help us achieve more sustainable futures. All are welcome, but registration is required.

Meeting Link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/99230740633?pwd=VUViUDVhMlFhbU01aXlHYkQzWERHQT09

Meeting ID: 992 3074 0633

Password: 252334


5:30 pm (SGT)/10:30 am (CET)


  • Prof. Gisbert Schneider, Director, Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC)
  • Dr Lim Khiang Wee, Executive Director for Academic Research, National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • Prof. Detlef Günther, Vice President for Research, ETH Zurich

Shaping Sustainable Cities & Settlement Systems

  • Prof. Stephen Cairns & Prof. Sacha Menz, FCL Directors

Panel: Collaboration for Sustainable Futures

Moderators: Dr Tanvi Maheshwari & Dr Matthew Skjonsberg, FCL Associate Directors

  • Ms Hwang Yu-Ning, Chief planner and Deputy CEO, Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Singapore
  • Prof. Lam Khee Poh, Dean, School of Design and Environment, NUS
  • Dr Maria Lezzi, Director, Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE), Switzerland
  • Prof. Tim White, Assoc. Vice President for Infrastructure & Programmes, NTU Singapore
  • Prof. Yeo Kiat Seng, Assoc. Provost, Research & International Relations, SUTD

Summing up FCL Global

  • Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Régamey, FCL Global Steering Committee

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