The Surprises of Marine Life in Singapore and the Threat of Marine Trash

The Surprises of Marine Life in Singapore and the Threat of Marine Trash

Learn more about our marine life and the threats they face from marine trash!

By GoLibrary | National Library Board, Singapore

Date and time

Wednesday, June 12 · 4:30 - 5:30am PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour

Important Notice

This programme is open to members of the National Library Board, Singapore. Please ensure you have your myLibrary username on hand before proceeding with the registration. If you do not have a myLibrary username, you can create one here:

Please note that presentation slides may be available during or after the programme, depending on the programme. Where applicable, only participants who attend the programme can have access to the slides via instructions given during the programme.

About the Programme:

The marine environment continues to been threatened by habitat destruction, overfishing, pollution and marine trash - the last kills by ingestion, entanglement, suffocation and toxicity. Changes to production and use of single use consumer plastics can be achieved by lifestyle and economic changes of urban populations.

Can we change this picture?

Plastic makes up a large proportion of marine trash, mostly originating from land. One example is how abandoned nets entangle and kill marine life from birds, to snakes, crabs, horseshoe crabs and even fish. Just one ghost net in mangroves at Mandai, can put 300 horseshoe crabs in danger by entangling them! Join us for this talk, where our speaker, NUS Senior Lecturer and Fellow Sivasothi N, sheds light on more stories about our precious marine life.

This programme is part of a sustainability series co-curated with the NUS Department of Biological Sciences.

About Down to Earth:

Down to Earth Series unpacks pertinent sustainability topics and makes them accessible whatever your background. From demystifying the latest green buzzwords to illuminating the incredible biodiversity we live amongst, join us and grow your knowledge with experts as they give you the break down on all things green.

Organized by

The National Library Board (NLB) manages a network of 28 libraries, the National Library and the National Archives of Singapore. NLB promotes reading, learning and information literacy by providing a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service through the National Library and a comprehensive network of libraries.