Andrew Chew

Andrew Chew's initial discovery of his passion and talent in music was when he was merely a 12-year old boy which led to him dedicating his adolescent years to serving and playing guitar for church services and worship sessions. From that moment onwards, he has been involved in various church events and performances which provided him with a platform to exercise his gifts in music.

Upon completion of his secondary school studies, Andrew enrolled himself into the music program in University College Sedaya International (UCSI) which he graduated from with a BMus Hons. in contemporary music. Simultaneous to his studies in UCSI, Andrew had also seek to further enhance his abilities under the tutelage of Jazz Guitar maestro, Farid Ali during which Andrew also had the opportunity to share the stage with his mentor numerous times.

2013 marked a new milestone in Andrew's career as he started 'The Contemporary Theory Class' with the idea of imparting the knowledge and experience he had amassed over the years to musicians from every walk of life, giving them a fresh perspective and approach to music playing. Seen as a well-rounded course for musicians of all levels, 'The Contemporary Theory Class' allows musicians to dive into any form or genre of contemporary music and at the same time, provide them with an excellent understanding of the technicalities behind each piece of music they play.

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Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition primary image

Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition

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Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition primary image

Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition

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Andrew Chew's initial discovery of his passion and talent in music was when he was merely a 12-year old boy which led to him dedicating his adolescent years to serving and playing guitar for church services and worship sessions. From that moment onwards, he has been involved in various church events and performances which provided him with a platform to exercise his gifts in music.

Upon completion of his secondary school studies, Andrew enrolled himself into the music program in University College Sedaya International (UCSI) which he graduated from with a BMus Hons. in contemporary music. Simultaneous to his studies in UCSI, Andrew had also seek to further enhance his abilities under the tutelage of Jazz Guitar maestro, Farid Ali during which Andrew also had the opportunity to share the stage with his mentor numerous times.

2013 marked a new milestone in Andrew's career as he started 'The Contemporary Theory Class' with the idea of imparting the knowledge and experience he had amassed over the years to musicians from every walk of life, giving them a fresh perspective and approach to music playing. Seen as a well-rounded course for musicians of all levels, 'The Contemporary Theory Class' allows musicians to dive into any form or genre of contemporary music and at the same time, provide them with an excellent understanding of the technicalities behind each piece of music they play.


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Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition primary image

Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition

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Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition primary image

Advanced Contemporary Music Theory - Home Learning Edition

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