Owen Yeoh

Swami Nadam (Owen) is a practitioner of active meditations, influenced by the work of modern mystic OSHO. He has spent the last 10 years exploring both inner and outer space through meditation and other holistic work. Prior to this, he has spent 20 years in the field of personal development and skills upgrading, collaborating with government agencies, self-help groups and companies. He is always looking to bring balance back to the conversation, be it business and spirituality, conservative and progressive ideas and areas that seems diversive. Owen has been regularly holding space for meditation and retreats in the last seven years. In the last year, he has expanded to hold meditative space beyond the structure of fixed technique. This allows for greater flexibility to approach meditation and self-awareness, based on the readiness of individuals.

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Sat, Mar 13, 9:30 AM

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Sat, Mar 13, 9:30 AM

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Swami Nadam (Owen) is a practitioner of active meditations, influenced by the work of modern mystic OSHO. He has spent the last 10 years exploring both inner and outer space through meditation and other holistic work. Prior to this, he has spent 20 years in the field of personal development and skills upgrading, collaborating with government agencies, self-help groups and companies. He is always looking to bring balance back to the conversation, be it business and spirituality, conservative and progressive ideas and areas that seems diversive. Owen has been regularly holding space for meditation and retreats in the last seven years. In the last year, he has expanded to hold meditative space beyond the structure of fixed technique. This allows for greater flexibility to approach meditation and self-awareness, based on the readiness of individuals.


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Sat, Mar 13, 9:30 AM

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Sat, Mar 13, 9:30 AM

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